King Vimaladharmsuriyan

 King Vimaladharmsuriya also developed the iron industry in Kothmale and Valapane to produce armaments, while also paying close attention to the region's agricultural development. He increased the security of the kingdom and hired an army from Madurai, South India, to counter prospective Portuguese threats. Since Seethavaka had been destroyed, Kandy had been the only monarch on the island, hence Sinhalese who lived abroad acknowledged Vimaladharmsuriya as one of them. The King was successful in conquering the Portuguese Captain Don Jerenimo de Azevedo's expedition to Udarata in 1602.

Later in his reign, the got a piece visits from two Dutch emissaries, demonstrating his efforts to establish ties with the Dutch people. The Kandyan kingdom was the most formidable at the moment.The foundation he constructed enabled the future monarchs to retain the sovereignty of the kingdom even after his death in 1604 because of Kandyan kingdom was at the time the strongest kingdom in the country.
